Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pants and Colors

I don't like jeans. It's a stupid garment, and they are uncomfortable. On top of that, they also turn everything in the washing machine dark green, and makes the Nightflyer hate me for ruining her pants. Stupid clothes.

EDIT: I disagree with Yahtzee concerning the moral-choice-system in InFamous , I liked it and thought it was pretty sensible, since it was more concerned with choosing the 'nice way' or the 'easy way' than it was about being 'kind' or being an 'utter psychotic retard'. Then again, I didn't play through the game, maybe I simply didn't get to the corner of 4th and Bananas..


Rik said...

Green? Jeans are not green.

Nallenon said...

No, not really, it turned a kind of greenish blue after it dried, but it was green last night.

Kat said...

Hehe, people who take their water from their own well usually end up with green hair if they bleach it. That's because the water contains a lot of copper. Did your jeans contain a lot of copper? Ps. The picture of you wearing anything but black (or a white suit) is mindblowing. Ds.

Nallenon said...

It's my new Secret Identity, CopperPantsMan.
Also, the jeans are black, they just wanted to turn all the Nightflyers clothes green out of spite.

Kat said...

then your super-hero name should be BlackCopperPantsMan

Rik said...

Kind of like David Copperfield!

This useless comment was brought to you by Danish marmalade - "den aegte".

Nallenon said...

Why was David Copperfield almost like BlackCopperPantsMan?

Yeonni said...

Oh this thing cracks me up. The lulz. I dunno why but I keep laughing every time I read through the post and the comments... :)

Sara said...

Well when they dye clothes black they never use black color, they only use really dark blue or green or brown, etc. Don't know why, they just do.

Kat said...

I know why! Any colour is simply a product of the property of the surface that absorbs light of a specific wavelength. A red surface absorbs most light of all other wavelengths than the red ones, that is - the red light is reflected. If the surface is dark red it means that the surface absorbs a lot of the red light to, but not all of it. If you make the red surface even darker it will appear to be red, because it absorbs almost all the light. No one will read this though, since I am such a slowcat...

Nallenon said...

Wow, yes you are a slowcat. I do get informed via email, though, so I'm kind of forced to read it :P

How is Hungary?