Saturday, August 8, 2009

Failed Balls and Murder

Today I have eaten what I must presume to be the most unhealthy thing I have ever seen a person bake. The Nightflyer wanted to make Chocolate Balls, (the english name for which, I have just learned, is "Chockladbollar". Thank you, Wikipedia) but we only had about half as much oatmeal as we needed, so we took some kind of extra-fiber version, and at the end they wouldn't stick together. So we did the next best thing, put everything in a pair of bowls, sprinkled some nib sugar on top, and ate it, so we both had about .7 of a liter worth of sugar, fat and cocoa each. It was awesome. I named it the HealthBucket.

I also inexplicably felt like describing a few things about Assassin's Creed, which I started playing again the other day. There are a few important lessons in here somewhere, I hope.
Number one, if I save you from a bunch of guards wanting to kill you, the correct answer is something along the lines of "Oh, thank you, I will repay this kindness". If you say "Thanks, I guess, but I could have taken them myself" and sound like a beggar, then you just bought yourself a fresh ticket to having a metal spike shoved through your face. Speaking of beggars, number two, if you ask me for money, I will stab you to death. The same goes for any person who shoves me for any reason, no matter the situation. If you shove me, you die. By extension, if you stumble around, sound like a retard and generally look like you might potentially shove me at some point in your life, I will stab you until you die.

Now that most of the homicidal tension is out of the way, I'd like to point out a few differences between AC and InFamous, since they are the only two games I have played that are comparable to one another. First of all, AC looks a lot better. The animations are smoother, the climbing looks more like climbing and less like a vertical frog on speed. The interaction between the main character and everyone else was also a lot better in AC, you get the feeling that all the civilians are actually people and objects, which I felt was lacking in IF.


Rik said...

HealthBowl doesn't sound super healthy. But it sounds awesome.

Nallenon said...

It was,it was great. It also removes the only annoying part of making chocolate balls, where you have to roll them around and get all dirty. So it's kind of a win-win thing.