Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Phonecalls and Manliness.

I had another realization yesterday, which I naturally forgot all about as soon as I actually started writing, four or five minutes later (See what I mean about the Alzheimer's?).
When I was a kid, I always thought young people bananaphoned their boyfriends or girlfriends all the time simply because they were young, and that as you grew up, you'd stop doing it, unless you had a reason for calling (Like "Could you buy milk on the way home" or some such grown-up concern).
What I've realized, though, is that you don't stop calling your girlfriend or boyfriend when you grow up, you simply stop calling them when you live together. My parents both call their respective boyfriend and girlfriend all the time now, and they're hardly what one might call young anymore, they just don't live with them.
Funny how I never thought about that before.

I bought a mosquito-bite-zapper-thing today. It's a small green tube with a button at one end and lightning at the other, and it's apparently supposed to take away mosquito-bites if you electrocute yourself enough. Now, I don't know about you guys, but to me that sounds a hell of a lot more manly than some wimpy ointment. Now I just need to figure out a way to make the stream of Lightning more constant, and also improve the reach a bit. Then I'll put it in a glove and wear a black hood and we can all rule the galaxy together.


Rik said...

I have nothing further to add. Go on about your bite-zapping business until you are free of blemishes!

Wow, that's such an awesome invention. Zap a part of yourself, and it becomes less annoying.

Nightflyer said...

You have really cute realizations ^^
How does that work? I've never heard of a bite- zapper before <_<